
Design Research

Explore hidden desires, Light up new opportunities
to meet people’s unmet needs.

What we do in
Design Research

We use design research to discover hidden desires, explore human behaviors and experiences, extract insights, and light up new opportunities to meet people’s unmet needs.

We observing what people do, deep listening what they say, and empathize with them to perceive what they think and feel with open-mind. Then dive deep to get clarity on “What”, “Why” and “How”.

Design research provides deep actionable insights, suggest right product/service to right customer, increases stakeholder’s happiness, reduce business error, also maximize business growth.

Customer Empathy

Stakeholders Study

Field Research

Observe/Interview user a day in the life

Participants Observation

Co-Creation Workshop

Concept Testing

Observe users through how they use/interact in real life.

Design Research's Benefits

Inside the report

what design research can deliver

Consumer Insights
Recommendation & Opportunity

*The result of research report and recommendation depends on project purposes.

More About Research & Data Analytics

Customized solutions: We can design a research plan by using more than one approach depending on your project’s objectives and business goals.

  • Industry Analysis
  • Business Analysis
  • Trend Analysis
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Business Optimization Solutions
  • Data Strategy
  • Business Analysis
  • Business Optimization Solutions
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • Brand Measurement
  • Brand Analysis
  • Brand Health Check
  • Brand Strategy
  • Branding Guide
  • Corporate Identity Design
  • Brand Communication Direction
  • Customer Analysis
  • User Needs & Unmet Needs
  • User Behaviors, Experiences, and Pain point
  • Customer Journey
  • Customer Segmentation
  • Customer Engagement
  • User Testing